Despite loving their pets, many people simply forget the question of what to do with them in the event of a hurricane, until the last moment. Not taking precautions can put their lifes in great danger.

It is important to have a plan for your pets, and here we help you with the fundamental considerations.

First of all, remember that with the exception of guide dogs, pets are NOT allowed in evacuation centers or shelters. You must organize another solution.

  • Rule # 1: If you leave, your pet also leaves. Do not leave them alone at home, believing they will survive thanks to their instincts. If the conditions are not safe for you, they are not safe for your pets.
  • If you live in an evacuation zone, locate a safe place for your pets now, before the hurricane season begins.
  • Contact veterinary clinics or animal shelters and ask if they care for animals during a hurricane.
  • Another option, seek help from friends, relatives or co-workers who live in an area that is out of danger.
  • Make sure your pet always has an identification tag with his name and your phone numbers (home and mobile). During the hurricane, it is a good idea to add another tag with a friend or relative’s phone, in case you lose connection.
  • Each year, before the hurricane season, check if your pet needs to be vaccinated and keep copies of the vaccine certificates.
  • Include photos of your pet among the important family documents that you carry in your Emergency Kit. They will serve you if your pet is lost and you have to ask for help in finding and recovering it. Also carries its vaccination history with you.
  • Don’t forget your pet’s medications, if they uses them.
  • If you plan to stay home during a hurricane, keep enough food, water and medicine for your pets for at least two weeks.
  • Do not give your pets a tranquilizer during a storm, as they need to be alert. A pet is tough and has good survival instincts.
  • If you are at home with your pets, keep them with you (in their cage or on a leash), and don’t let them move around the house alone. If you are required to evacuate the home urgently, you should not be wasting time looking for a hidden pet.
  • After the hurricane, remember that emergency events can affect your pet psychologically. Dogs in particular can become aggressive or defensive for a few days.

Key tip:

The safest place to be during and immediately after a hurricane is … as far from it as possible! If you have a good hurricane protection system, you can safely stay inside your home during the cyclone. But keep in mind that after a strong hurricane you can run out of electricity, water or drainage for several days. It is usually very unpleasant and uncomfortable.

Ideally, leave your home completely protected and closed, get your family and pets into the car, and get away from the danger zone. You can spend a few days in the hotel (find out if they accept pets), or stay with friends or family in a safer area. Despite staying in the rainy area, they will be safer and more comfortable than being in the eye of the hurricane. Of course, ensure that you are giving yourself enough time to make the trip and that you are not moving to an area where the hurricane could deviate.

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